Saturday, July 27, 2002

Pennsylvania Governor's School for Information Technology

Career Day presentation via videoconference

The PGSIT is a residential summer school for talented high school students in Pennsylvania, concentrating on information technology issues. Each year they have a career day in which they talk to people from industry. I gave them a one-hour talk via videoconference link from the University of Surrey about how the game industry works and what kinds of careers are available.

Monday, July 15, 2002

Two-day Seminar at the Academy of Converging Media

Berlin, Germany

The Academy of Converging Media is an organization that trains people from different media about developing content in areas that may not be familiar to them. It brings together people from film, theater, television, advertising, web design, and computer games. I gave a two-day-long seminar consisting of a series of ten different lectures, introducing the students to game design and development.